Dear Consumers,
It is summer time in
Although food safety is important any time of the year, during the hot weather months, it's important to be extra cautious to prevent food from going bad. There are a few simple precautions you can take to ensure safe storage of food at home:
· Observe the “1-hour” rule.
Foods requiring refrigeration, including cooked food, vegetable salads, takeout food, and leftover foods shouldn’t be at room temperature longer than an hour. Perishable foods like poultry, meat, eggs, milk, should also be kept under refrigeration.
Hot foods can go straight into the refrigerator or freezer. They shouldn’t be left out to cool on the counter. Cool hot foods rapidly by dipping the bowl or container in ice or a cold-water bath. Leftovers from a large container will cool more quickly when divided into smaller, shallower containers. In general, leftovers should be used within 2 days.
A refrigerator that is too full will result in blocked air circulation, hampering the cooling process.
An opened package of cold cut meat or milk can be kept for 3 days in the chiller. Follow the instructions on the label after opening. Three days is a safe storage time for deli or homemade egg, chicken, ham, tuna or pasta salads. Fish spoils much faster, so use it within 2 days or freeze it as soon as you buy.
· Set the temperature.
A refrigerator temperature should be at or below 50C. The freezer should be kept at –180C.